Most of the door trim is stained…
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Straw dispenser: you’re doin’ it wrong.
Apparently the first 20 are taken. I didn’t think it’d be that popular…
Think the parts in this may be assorted?
Mr. Lincoln, you should zip your pants. And try not to step on my wife.
Thursday evening, I got the carburetor better dialed in on the truck, but it’s still not quite right. It’s asking for too much fuel, and doesn’t want to idle right – it occasionally pops out one tailpipe… So, since there was that fire on the intake a while back, I’m somewhat questioning whether or not the intake gaskets are still sealing properly. I think the end gaskets are leaking oil anyway. So last night, I went in town and got some new intake gaskets. I picked up some radiator flush stuff while I was in there. Today I’m flushing the radiator / heater core / block out, since I have to drain the coolant anyway to replace the intake gaskets. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have the intake back on, and the carb will behave better when all of the air is going through it, rather than some leaking in elsewhere. :) I may also finally get around to fully welding the exhaust; it’s just tacked in place now…
I’m doing links to Megasquirt-related docs that I find helpful, hopefully for dropping an Lt1 into the Chevelle in the relatively near future.
So, I finally have most everything recovered after the debacle which was their vps migration. Their support’s not bad, and their prices are great – but there’s always a tradeoff in low-cost hosting… :) In any event, I’m glad to be back online.
So, I have a few UPSs laying around. Well, they’re actually in use. Today I decided to set them up to actually cleanly shut down machines connected to them if the power’s off that long. Because it’s not trivial (but also not difficult), I’ll document it here. I’m using nut to manage this all – mainly because it works over the network. One UPS powers two machines in one case, and I want to monitor them all from one workstation, so networkability is important.
I like this quote.
It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.
Feynman is cool.