Archive for the ‘Chevelle’ Category
So, driving in to work this morning, I thought I’d open the Chevelle up a little. I added some transmission fluid a few days ago to see if maybe that’s why it was slipping (apparently, I cut the dipstick off just a little long, so “full” isn’t really full). I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a fluke – and I just like quickly accelerating. About the time I hit third gear, I noticed that there was suddenly a lot of white smoke behind me. At least the shifts were firm.
I pulled to the side of the road, and verified that there was apparently about a four inch split in the upper heater hose. I cut the other hose down and used it as a bypass for the heater. So, I don’t have a heater – but I do have a not-leaking coolant system. A friendly person stopped and got me two gallons of well water to fill the system back up. I’ll have to flush and drain the system soon, therefore, since the mixture’s all wrong for cold weather. I’ll be getting some high-pressure line and using AN fittings for the new setup, though. My bulkhead fitting was leaking a little anyway, which has caused some carpet discoloration, so this’ll be an opportune time to rectify that situation. I’m thkining about using push-lok fittings or similar this time; we’ll see how things go as far as affordability… :)